It felt like someone was sitting on my chest. I was struggling to breathe, and I would try ways to open up my airways and calm my breathing down. 


It was a terrifying experience for 10-year-old Lucy, who suddenly experienced an asthma symptom during her football match. Now, in her 20s, Lucy recalls how during that moment, she felt as if someone was sitting on her chest and it was difficult for her to breathe. Fortunately, her mum, who was at that game, noticed her struggling and took her to see a doctor where she was diagnosed with asthma.

Having grown up in a sporty family, Lucy has loved football since she was very young. Her dad would watch football games on TV at home with her. Eventually, the father-daughter pair ended on the same team with her dad coaching and Lucy playing as a central midfielder.


Actual patient and caregiver

She says that she loves football because it is a team sport and has made many friends playing with various teammates.

Lucy's challenge was not just scoring a goal as a midfielder, but she also had to

prevent triggers that could cause an asthma attack.


It's important for my team mates to know that I have asthma because if I have an attack, I want them to know what’s happening. I don’t want them to be disappointed when I can’t perform, because my asthma is holding me back. 

Lucy feared that her asthma might hold her back from playing the sport she loves. It would have been devastating for her if she could not continue.


Being a midfielder was also a challenge for her with her condition, as she is expected to make forward runs and trackback to help the team defend. Overall, it was physically challenging for her.

Even after being diagnosed, she remembers the times when she struggled on the pitch and became annoyed due to not being able to keep up with the play. It was frustrating for Lucy as she felt like she was managing her asthma as best she could, only to continue to struggle.

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Her worried parents made sure they consulted with a doctor to get Lucy on an appropriate treatment regimen for her asthma. Since then, Lucy took it upon herself to be consistent with her prescribed medication, so her parents would not worry as much about her and this has allowed her to stay on top of her asthma.

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As Lucy now has good control of her asthma and can manage her symptoms, this has allowed her to enjoy her football by consistently playing with her team in several important matches in some of the UK’s biggest stadia. She is now truly living her life to the fullest with minimal disruptions from her asthma and hopes that others like her who have struggled with asthma symptoms or suffered an asthma attack, would be able to do the same.

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To those still struggling with their asthma symptoms, please speak to your doctor and be on top of it. Don’t let it ruin memorable moments for you or your loved ones. Do It For You, Do It For Them and Do It For Then, don’t let asthma stop us from living our lives to the fullest.

Lucy is now able to manage her asthma symptoms and live her life to the fullest with minimal

disruptions after developing a proper asthma action plan with her doctor.

Lucy is an asthma patient and the daughter of a GSK employee. Lucy has agreed to share her story with GSK. Her story refers to her own personal experience with asthma and is not intended to be used as medical advice to treat any medical condition. Always consult with your doctor regarding asthma management.


If you’re concerned about your asthma, speak to your doctor about regular treatment. The asthma control test (ACT) is a quick way to see how asthma symptoms are affecting your everyday life. Click on the link below to get the results in seconds – and be sure to share them with your doctor.